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Isolation As A Type Of Elder Abuse

Isolation As A Type Of Elder Abuse


Forced malnutrition, financial manipulation, and abandonment may be among a series of examples of maltreatment that first come to mind when hearing the phrase “elder abuse.” Despite this, there are a number of other types of elder abuse that are less recognized.

Isolation is one of these types of elder abuse. It may be considered closely related to emotional abuse. However, the issue of isolation in elder residency and nursing homes is one with much deeper, more serious implications. Contact California elder abuse attorney Joel Bryant today to learn more about elder abuse.

How Does Isolation Classify as Abuse?

Isolation may be classified as either physical or emotional elder abuse. This may depend on a series of factors, such as the motives and desired outcomes of the abusers. In any case, there is also a probability that isolation is self-inflicted, such as in instances of depression or mental illness.

On the physical end of isolation, the act is defined as wrongful imprisonment. This act is taken seriously in a court of law as false imprisonment effectively strips someone of a number of their rights, among those, the freedom of movement. Removing devices that enable an elder to move about is equally seen under the law as a restriction of freedoms. The only exception to this rule is when immediate and necessary medical assistance is required – although this defense must be just.

As there are many dimensions that play into humans’ overall health, it is important that these are met. Isolation that is categorized as emotional abuse normally carries elements of separation of the elder from other people to prevent human interaction, manipulation, and use of threats in ways that prevent the senior citizen from speaking out, for example. The psychological and emotional abuse that occurs as a result of isolation is serious and life-threatening.

Warning Signs of Isolation – What to Look Out For

It is unfortunately all too common that an elder is isolated and abused. Families of senior citizens in California have seen an uptick in instances of isolation leading to a growing number of people keeping an eye out for the warning signs of the condition:

  • Staff informing the family that they are not able to visit with their family member
  • Shifts in personality
  • The sudden acquisition of mental illness such as depression or anxiety
  • Generalized fear of everyday interactions
  • Frequent or inexplicable mood swings
  • Refusal to engage with family

The Southern California Attorney Putting Your Family First

As previously mentioned, isolation as a form of elder abuse is on the rise in California. It is therefore extremely important that families look out for warning signs of isolation as it can easily go unnoticed by families who are not able to spend every hour of the day with their elderly loved ones.

If you or a loved one believes that someone in your family could be suffering from isolation, please call Joel Bryant at (619) 597-2577 or reach out to him by following this link. Doing so will ensure that a tried and trusted California elder abuse attorney is on your side, investigating your case and ensuring that your family finds peace.
